Welcome to The Presbyterian Research Centre (Archives):
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Our collections document the life and work of the Presbyterian Church in Aotearoa New Zealand including :
- The General Assembly & General Assembly Committees
- Parishes and Presbyteries from around New Zealand
- Foreign, Home & Maori Missions
- Local and National Presbyterian Women's and Youth organizations
- Knox Theological Hall and School of Ministry
- The Presbyterian Synod of Otago and Southland
- The Otago Foundation Trust Board
- Knox College
- The personal papers of Ministers and prominent Presbyterian Laymen and Women from throughout New Zealand
- A large collection of Photographs, Lantern slides, Slides, Cine film, Audio/Video tapes and Plans
We welcome additional information and donations of Presbyterian records, including Parish newsletters & histories, Ministerial papers & sermons, diaries, letters, calls, reports, photographs and negatives, slides, videos, cine film, and ephemera.
The Presbyterian Research Centre (Archives) is a National Agency of the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand, and it is affiliated with the Hewitson Library.

We are located in the Hewitson Centennial wing at Knox College.
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Photo Galleries :

To view our collection of Photo Galleries please click on the above image of "Canvas Camp" at Featherston Military Camp dated 1917. 17 October 2014